Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Anna Dorsey Rippetoe

I have so many adjectives to add to her name don't know where to start. First she was one of seven children to Sam and Mary Frances Dorsey.3 girls and 4 boys. would like to talk about each one but today is Anna's turn. she was born in Lizemore, W.Va. in Clay co.( I dare you to find that on the map} they didn't have much but they didn't know that! I have a 3/4 bed in basement that was theirs with the cord to use as springs (had a mattress made) the earliest I remember hearing about was when she taught school and the boys were bigger then she and how brave she had to pretend. Anna was very talented. she did everything and loved what she did. She delivered mail on horseback. there is a snap of her riding side saddle and looking very glamorous. She made ladies hats. with the wide brims and fluffs. sold those. In the meantime she was busy with a family of four. Mary Virginia was first then Helen Frances and 2+ yrs came along twins Ruth Anna and Curtis .We lived in Kanawha City, Charleston WVa the depression reared its wicked back and Anna and next door neighbor made lunch (soup,sandwiches cookie,drinks,etc)and carted theat to Chamblain Grade school where we were. I was so proud that MY mother did that. the smell in the hall was wonderful. then we moved to Washington St and she moved mountains again. Anna walked to the state house and had a job as a file clerk. She made so many friends. they took all there troubles to her and she made them feel better. even brought some home for lunch. Her big name to fame was her renting rooms. She had tourists (theyhad few hotels then)truck drivers, summer travelers, and they all came back. during the war she had a scary experience. she had a navy boy and she invited him to share the swing on front porch and while talking she mentioned a valuable gun she had in her room. Next morning it was gone and that was the end of her sharing .Bill brought aa parachute home from the war and gave it to Nana. She made silk blouses and the Diamond Dept store paid her for that. they were beautiful. she made three daughters clothes and everyone thought we were rich to have so many outfits. Thank goodness we shared with each other. Ginny had a gorgeous pink angora sweater that was a little hard to bargain with her. Can you believe in her late seventies she bought a house and made a duplex and rented the other half. I guess that tells you all how she managed to send four children to college. She was so talented and loving. she was the grande dame of the neighborhood and friends kept in touch withher all her life. Helen and Bob named their son John Rippetoe and Lynn her daughter Katherine Dorsey so we dare them to keep the reputation going. Now, I am waiting to hear from a Rippetoe out there. Waiting to hear from the Currence's Haynes,and Walker families. enough for now but remember, I love you all to pieces Ruth RIPPETOE Green

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